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Tone up with this herbal tea with the taste of the boreal forest. Rich in trace elements, vitamin C and tannins, this tonic blend will give you back your energy. Raspberry leaves have a slightly tannic taste similar to tea. These young shoots of conifers make it an excellent ally during the winter season, its infusion clears the bronchial tubes and fights respiratory infections such as the flu; also very effective in relieving intestinal disorders such as gastroenteritis and stomach cramps.


For fun

Tonifies the immune system


Taste: resinous, tannic, sweet and full-bodied

Boréal herbal tea

  • Rubus idaeus  (raspberry bush)  sheets /  Thuja occidentalis  (cedar  white) leaves  / Abies balsamea (balsam fir) young spring shoots / Picea Glauca (white spruce) young spring shoots.